Romeo & Juliet Analysis Questions

  1. “These violent delights have violent ends”
  2. Romeo went to Mantua
  3. Friar Lawrence agreed to marry Juliet because he wanted to end the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues.
  4. Paris’s last wish was to be laid in the tomb beside Juliet after Romeo killed him. He says: “If thou be merciful, Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet.”
  5. Juliet tells Romeo not to swear by the moon because the moon is something that is constantly changing and if Romeo swore by the moon it would imply his love for her was always changing and sometimes disappearing.
  6. Romeo helped cause Mercutio’s death because he does not want to fight Tybalt. Romeo steps in between Tybalt and Mercutio fighting, allowing Tybalt to stab Mercutio under Romeo’s arm.
  7. “I will make thee thy swan a crow,” Benvolio says.
  8. Romeo gets the poison from an Apothecary’s shop.
  9. The Capulets and Montagues decide to make a gold statue to honour Romeo and Juliet.
  10. Balthasar informs Romeo of Juliet’s “death.”
  11. Friar Lawrence’s letter never reached Romeo because Friar John couldn’t get through a town because of a deathly plague.
  12. Mercutio was made into ‘worms meat’.
  13. Capulet’s servant couldn’t read the invitation list.
  14. Tybalt was upset at the Capulet ball because he saw Romeo there and realised that he was a Montague, therefore an enemy.
  15. Tybalt says; ‘Turn Benvolio and look upon thy death’.

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